Mixing Psychotherapy and Medical Professionals
For training medical and therapy professionals, the importance of the psychedelic model of care cannot be overemphasized. The beauty of delivering psychedelic care comes from the synergy between these models (and the other essential ingredients). It allows us to work with patients/clients in ways that provide healing often not seen in the individual models, especially with difficult to treat patients. The best way for you to understand this is to experience a safe and therapeutic psychedelic assisted therapy session yourself.
However with synergy comes a cost. Combining models also creates conflicts. Try an exercise. Consider the categories below and how the 2 models compare to each other. Don’t forget to factor in regional and demographic differences. What synergy exists, and what conflicts do you see? What do you notice about how your own training background and bias influence what you might put in each category? What categories would you add (shoot me them in a message)?
Now take those and add in a 4th column for psychedelics and start filling it in. Psychedelic care is so patient centered that the treatments rely heavily on the patients internal healer and wisdom. How will you account for that in your care delivery models?
If you want to take the exercise even further ask yourself, “What medical competencies do therapists need to deliver psychedelic care?” Conversely, “What therapy competencies do medical providers need to deliver psychedelic care?” What type license, physician, therapist, nurse etc. you ask? All the types you might need in the clinic. Implementing the answers to these questions is how you build a clinic that operates under psychedelic model of care.